Music Makers Academy

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4 easy things to do to get practising

Your instrument is sitting there in the room, staring at you, reminding you of all the practice you have to do. And yet, you walk past and ignore it. Sounds familiar? Sometimes, the hardest thing about practising is actually to just start. So here are 4 things you can try to get practising!

  1. Listen to some music

    Find a good quality recording or performance of music you like and simply listen and enjoy it. It will inspire you and remind you of why music is an important part of your life!

  2. Play a piece you love

    Instead of diving right into your “practice” (scales or pieces you need to work on), start by playing a piece you truly enjoy. This will make you feel happy and good, which is exactly the kind of vibe we aim for to practise effectively.

  3. Set yourself a specific goal

    Maybe you are avoiding practise because you feel overwhelmed by how much you have to achieve. So as you approach your instrument, give yourself one very specific goal, like, play through the entire piece once without stopping. Having a single goal gives you clear focus and feels easier to achieve, and once you complete it, you might just find yourself wanting to achieve another!

  4. Change your words

    Replace the “I have to” with “I choose to” and the “practise” with “play”. Therefore: I choose to play. It can make a surprising difference! (Read more about this technique in an earlier blog post).

We hope this post was helpful! Happy practice and see you in the next post!
