5 inspiring quotes about learning music

The never-ending journey of learning music isn’t always as rosy and joyful as it seems. We often encounter moments of doubt and frustration. Here are some inspiring quotes to get you back in the mood!

Endeavour to play pieces well and with elegance; that is better than to play difficult pieces badly. Robert Schumann

We so often want - or feel pressured - to play the difficult, fast and impressive pieces that it’s easy to forget how important it is to play a simple piece well and beautifully. Let’s thank Schumann for reminding us of the value of “simple” repertoire and of the purpose of our art.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Will Durant

This quote reminds us that improving and excelling at our craft is an on-going commitment: a habit. Are you able to make music practice a routine, in the same way that you brush your teeth automatically before going to bed?

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Tim Notke

As a teacher, I have come across students who do seem to show natural capabilities for music, but without hard work, their progress stagnates. On the other hand, I have also seen students who may not be the most musical, but whose hard work and consistent work ethic have resulted in surprising progress. Don’t rely on your talent alone to become good at music. The secret is in the work and effort that you put in.

I never practise. I always play. Wanda Landowska

The word practising can sound robotic, boring and devoid of musicality. But practise does not have to be a separate process or feeling to making music. Whenever you play something, even in the practice room, don’t forget to always be making music. That is always the most important.

It is a mistake to think that the practice of my art has become easy to me. Mozart

Poor old Mozart - seems like even he had to practise! How does it feel knowing that a child prodigy did not find his art easy to create and master either? Perhaps he was a prodigy only because he practised his art so much and never gave up.

Which quote(s) resonate(s) the most with you?

We hope you enjoyed this post!

Eliza & Darryn


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