Improve your practice today!

Do you want to enjoy and get better at your music practice?

Practising is a necessary part of learning music: you can’t expect to improve without ever practising.

BUT it’s also true that

  • Practising may feel repetitive, boring, annoying

  • You might not know what or how to practise effectively

  • If you practise something the wrong way you will actually get WORSE!

Nobody wants that, right?

So here’s a little treat for you. Earlier this year, I recorded a short webinar all about music practice, and I want YOU to have access to it! In this webinar I talk about:

  • 2 different approaches you can take to your music practice

  • the importance of reflection

  • some tips and tricks to improve the efficacy of your practice


4 essential pieces of equipment to start producing music


Do professional musicians get nervous?