Set yourself up for success with these 3 things!

Welcome to 2023!

How did you go last year with your music? Did you make progress? Did you achieve all that you wanted? Or did you end up procrastinating, or worse, regressing?

The start of a new year can often be the perfect catalyst to jump back on the bandwagon - a reset, so to speak. So we’re sharing the top 3 things you need now to set yourself up for musical success in 2023.

  1. A definition of what “musical success” mean to you (i.e. a goal)

    What does musical success mean to you? Is it about enjoying playing music? Being a confident performer? Writing your own tunes? Being able to improvise or play by ear? Reaching a particular grade? Try to define what it is exactly that you are trying to get out of your musical experience, whether in the long-run or in the space of a year. Having a personal definition of success will serve as a source of motivation when things get hard, and as a reminder of your progress when you look back.

  2. Someone to help you and/or keep you accountable

    Music can get hard and learning it on your own can get lonely. Avoid this trap by finding a person or a community to keep you engaged with your own learning and journey. A friend or family member can be the perfect individual to keep you accountable. Otherwise there are many online forums, Facebook groups and communities you can join. We also highly recommend a private tutor as they will be able to really help you out AND keep you accountable at the same time!

  3. A plan or schedule

    The only way to improve a skill is to spend time on it. So decide now how often and for how long you are going to spend on your music: how many days per week, how much time per day? At what time? Of course, things will come up during the year and you may not be able to keep your schedule, but planning to have a part of your day aside for your music is better than trying to wing it every day.

Good luck on your music in 2023! We hope you found this post useful!


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