Get practising with this mindset shift!

We have all been there: we know that we need to get some practice in, we know that practice is important and necessary … but no amount of knowledge seems to impact our motivation to practise. So when you’re in a rut, what can be done?

We can try changing our mindset.

Change your mindset and feel like a CHAMPION when you practise!

According to the online Miriam-Webster dictionary, a mindset is simply “a mental attitude or inclination”. That’s it: your mindset is your attitude towards something.

Have you ever pondered on your mindset towards practice?

When you hear the word “practice”, what do you think of, think about, and how do you feel?

Perhaps you cringe, pull a face, release a sigh of exasperation, hide, run away, or instantly feel frustrated. If that is your reaction, your mindset towards practice seems to be - sorry to tell you - pretty negative.

Another way you can investigate your mindset around practice is by the statements you tell yourself. Do any of these sound eerily familiar?

I HAVE to practise!! (or else I’m a bad person)

I NEED to practise!! (or else my teacher will be angry with me)

You can see how the above statements can easily induce feelings of guilt and shame if you don’t end up practising. So what can we do to change things around?

We can change the words we are using.

I know, it sounds pretty silly but hear me out.

If a statement can make you feel guilt, surely there is a statement that can make you feel empowered and motivated.

Read the following affirmations and be curious about how they make you feel:

I want to practise.

I love practising.

I choose to practise.

I choose to improve.

I want to improve.

Hopefully these statements feel more comfortable in your body, and actually induce feelings of motivation and excitement. Perhaps there are other affirmations you can think of that make you want to get practising!

One way you can use affirmations and change your mindset is by repeating one or more affirmation a couple of times every single day, especially if you experience a lot of resistance around practising. You can also repeat the affirmations before AND after each practice session.

If you can control your mindset and your attitude, you will be able to control your own musical progress! So give this a go and see how it changes your motivation and results!

Eliza & Darryn


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