Kids Music Summer Camp

Learn music, have fun and make friends!

Don’t let your kid get bored this summer! Our 2-day music camp is full of educational, engaging and fun activities that will leave your child wanting more!


Over two days, students will make music with other children in the percussion group, the instrumental ensemble and the choir. There will also be educational activities and crafts session. We have planned lots of games and outdoors activities for oodles of fun!

The camp culminates in a mini-concert at the end of the second day so that students get to go home feeling accomplished and proud!


Dates: 23-24 January 2024 (go home between days)

Time: 9.45am arrival - 4pm pickup

Venue: Rob Baddock Community Hall, Kallaroo

Who it’s for: children aged 9-14 years old

Price: $180 for the full 2 days per student



  • No! This camp is actually the perfect opportunity for them to try music for the first time.

    Each song we learn will have different levels of difficulty so that even children with no musical experience can join in and have fun.

  • All participants will have to bring their own snacks for both days. They are also required to bring lunch on the first day.

    On the second day we will do pizza.

  • Registrations close on the 16th of January.

  • Fill in our online registration form and pay upfront. We will send you your booking confirmation upon receipt of the form and the money.

  • We will send a packing list by email a week before camp beings so you have time to get organised.

Register now before it’s too late!