Making the most of your music lessons
Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray

Making the most of your music lessons

Music lessons give you the opportunity to not just make music, but to learn new skills or knowledge about music, reinforce your current understanding, and clear up any confusion you may have. Because a lesson is often over in the blink of an eye, and usually covers a wide range of elements, it’s important to be super prepared for one. In this post I share a few tips on how to prepare for your music lesson to enable you to make the most out of the precious and limited time you have with your tutor.

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Your first lesson
Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray

Your first lesson

You might feel some anxiety or nerves about your very first music lesson. I want you to know that is quite normal to feel this way: you are about to start something new, and that is always a daunting situation to be in. This post is to help you feel a bit more calm and confident about this very first lesson, by letting you know what to expect from it and how best to prepare yourself.

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4 easy things to do to get practising
Practice tips Eliza Bourgault du Coudray Practice tips Eliza Bourgault du Coudray

4 easy things to do to get practising

Your instrument is sitting there in the room, staring at you, reminding you of all the practice you have to do. And yet, you walk past and ignore it. Sounds familiar? Sometimes, the hardest thing about practising is actually to start. So here are 4 things you can try to get practising!

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Planning your practice
Practice tips Eliza Bourgault du Coudray Practice tips Eliza Bourgault du Coudray

Planning your practice

If you find yourself short on time to practise as much as you should or want to, you might want to start planning your practice. By doing this, you will be able to dive into practising knowing exactly what to work on and for how long. Your practice time will as a result be much more effective. Sounds like a good idea? Let’s find out how to plan your practice.

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5 highlights of a music student
Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray

5 highlights of a music student

Despite the discipline and commitment the Churchlands Senior High School GATE music program requires of students, it is a wonderfully enriching and fun experience, and one which I recommend to any student with a deep interest in, and love of, music. Let me share with you my top 5 highlights of my years as a music student.

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Get practising with this mindset shift!
Practice tips Eliza Bourgault du Coudray Practice tips Eliza Bourgault du Coudray

Get practising with this mindset shift!

We have all been there: we know that we need to get some practice in, we know that practice is important and necessary … but no amount of knowledge seems to impact our motivation to practise. So when you’re in a rut, what can be done? We can try changing our mindset.

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5 reasons you should invest in a music teacher
Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray Learning music Eliza Bourgault du Coudray

5 reasons you should invest in a music teacher

In a day and age where it has never been easier to find hundreds of video tutorials, blog articles and many free apps to aid learning, is paying for a private tutor still worth it? We think YES and in this blog post we’ll share 5 excellent reasons why an instrumental tutor is the best investment in your musical journey!

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